AI-Driven Actions

InsightFinderAi discovers revenue opportunities and pinpoints specific issues for corrective action that result in incremental revenue




Automatically detect and prioritize actionable insights that generate revenue.
  • Get specific actionable insights at the style level and follow recommendations

  • Drill down by product, customer segment, channel, manufacturer, and more...Create custom entities to accurately define your offering

  • See recommendations by business function 

  • Compare trends over time, see benchmarks, and find outliers

  • Automated custom alerts

Easy Execution

We meet your team where they are. Seamlessly stream insights into your existing workflows and platforms. Insights can flow into other dashboards, workflow management tools, data warehouse, and more.

Returns Drivers2

Return Drivers AI

Automatically identify what factors are causing your returns
  • Prioritize actions in key contributing areas

  • Validate operational strategic initiatives

  • Understand customer behavior to inform loyalty programs

  • Optimize returns policy based on consumer behavior

Returns Opportunity Plan

Automated roadmap to deliver revenue impact 
  • Detailed actions by business function with recommended actions and business impact

  • Product assortment recommendations for dimensions such as color, materials, etc.

  • Comprehensive size & fit recommendations improving customer experience

  • Detecting specific operations issues such as defective products, shipping delays, pick/pack errors and more

  • Generate incremental net revenue by optimizing marketing using proprietary product retention score

  • Forecast and measure net revenue contribution

Powerful Business Solutions

The Returnalyze platform empowers data-driven retailers with tailored solutions that directly impact their customer relationships operational workflows and marketing activities.

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